Monday, June 25, 2007


Late last year i pulled the camera out during an awesome lightning storm and caught a great lightning photo that has been on the cover of the Otago Daily Times, the back page of the NZ herald, in the NZ Geographic Magazine and now on a Calendar.

Here is the latest. It is also the June spread but you get the idea.

Snow Day

Forcasts are never right.

Despite every indication that the nasty weather system was going to pass to our north we were dumped on last thursday leaving 20cm of snow at home with more unsettled weather over the weekend. Mail was delayed and cars slid of the road. But ultimately everyone welcomed the white start to the ski season. We look forward to going for a slide this weekend maybe.


Anyone who knows me knows rock climbing has been part of my life to some degree since i was about 14. Mostly on a very "recreational" level.

I have recently been inspired by some amazing locations and climbs in NZ to get back to my former glory and here are a few photos.

On the long weekend (June) after an unseasonably (and apparently deceptively so) may we headed to Mt Somers for a climbing trip.

As you can see from the photos about 15cm of snow slowed our progress but we were able to get onto some fun routes in an awesome location. Above is David on Orange Roughy(16) on the Orange wall.

One of the strange things about Mt Somers is the two distinctly different rock types within a short distance (300m). The photo on the right is David and I on Rocky Road (3 pitch, grade 20)

After being confined to the middle grades (read teens) for years as a result of the office worker spread i have recently had a major break through now back in the 20s (if only just) and have been inspired to continue and 'push the grades' so to speak and get on some amazing routes in amazing places. Although many in Wanaka, including and number of good friend are climbing much harder than this, pushing one grade at a time is proving (once again) a great and rewarding personal challenge. I am probably climbing harder than i have in 6-8 years.

John and bruce below on Project Aqua (25) in the Darrans near Milford. The home of some of the best rock and climbing in NZ.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Recently i have reignited my love of photography.

here are a couple of photos we have taken recently

Is this just another blog??

Hi guys,

I have finally chosen to join the list of gazillion blog sites.

You may ask "but isnt this just another waste of time" and you are probably spot on. but with friends and family spread accross the globe it seems to be a good way to share stories and photos.

Kate and i hope to be able to share with you a little of our lives in Wanaka, NZ and some photos from our mini adventures.

I hope you enjoy.